How to write Product or Service Descriptions with SEO in mind
Product descriptions are a special kind of content.
They follow the rules for content SEO, however, there are some additional things to add or look out for:
1 Always make sure to use keywords and long-tail keywords when describing your products. Think about the questions customers already ask or they may ask about that particular product
2 Don't write too little. SEO does better when you write longer than shorter. Aim for between 500 to 1500 words - keep in mind some platforms like Shopify or Squarespace may have a limit you have to adhere to.
3 Make the first line or 2 count - especially if you have lots of products and no time to individually SEO them right now - Google will pull the 1st and 2nd lines of your product descriptions for the snippets in search.
4 These snippets should appeal to human readers to click through but also have the criteria a bot is looking for.
5 Highlight key features Make sure you include everything you can about your product. Is it gluten-free? Then say that. Is it 100% cotton? Then say that. Do this under the 1st couple of lines.
6 Your descriptions should be easy to read, grammatically correct, short and sweet sentences. Appeal to your target audience. You should add personality to them while also adding the boring stuff bots love. It is more important for products to have relevant content.
7 Link to research, other products that are related or a call to action for another page. You can also link to a you tube video or social media posts. You should aim for 1 -2 links per product. Ideally 1 internal and 1 external.
8 Make sure the image of the product's title and alt txt are the product name
9 Use unique content - don't just copy the product info from the manufacturer